From the beginning, Hétszőlő has had a very good background for organic viticulture and always has tried to be conscious about environmental issues. As there was no viticulture at the slopes of Hétszőlő between the 1950’s and 1990 – in fact in the era of massive agrochemical use of Soviet regime – it was nearly a must to figure out a more environmental friendly way of culture at the time of replantation at Hétszőlő vineyards in 1991.
Hétszőlő has never used artificial fertilizer and herbicides neither insecticide.
To make organic culture more official, Hétszőlő began the conversion process for organic certification in 2009 with the label of Hungária Ökogarancia, an official organic certifier in Hungary.
Today all the 55 hectares of vineyards of the estate are cultivated strictly in organic way. The first attempt for organic wine was in vintage 2014 where a dry Furmint was vinified according to organic wine making rules. This was followed by the successful 2015 vintage dry Furmint. The 2016 vintage dry Furmint wine will be launched in April and the single vineyard selections in the Autumn. Our aim is to certify all the wines from 2016 vintage as organic, even the sweet ones.